Regaining My Balance

medium_5136926303When it was time to pack away the Christmas tree and get serious about the books, I sat down and had a talk with my husband about how hard last fall was for me. I asked him for advice on how to revamp our routine and make it more livable. I call him “The Flaw Finder” so I make sure I only ask him these things when I really want to hear the truth. Empty words of encouragement? No. Raw reality and precise problem solving? He’s my guy. Continue reading

Fed Up with the Whole Debate

medium_8893129707-1I am really sick and tired of  the whole debate. I am tired of having to choose a side. But as a homeschooler evolution and creation is a larger conversation than just science curriculum.  It permeates everything in homeschooling were I live. Every time I see a statement of faith that includes a section about how the Bible is to be interpreted, I balk. This is a signal to me that only creationism will be tolerated here.  And it happens a lot.  Statements of faith are attached to as many things in homeschooling as liability forms were in public school. Even if I did believe in every word, there is still a major reason I don’t want to sign: I believe my faith is between me and my God. It really isn’t anyone else’s business.

Oh, I get why they do it. They are creating a safe place to express their common views openly and with like-minded people. Fine. I won’t argue. I understand and respect that, but I don’t want to have to sign a statement that I’ll fit in just so I can play with your toys. I’ll take my ball and go home thank you. Continue reading

Tennessee Aquarium

IMG_1201One of the best things about homeschooling is the field trips. And the best sort of field trips are days set aside especially for homeschoolers. Lower prices and extra events make these days a real bargain. Last week we went to the Tennessee Aquarium for their homeschool day and even though the end was a disaster, over all it was a day well spent.

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Getting it Right

graduationGo on any homeschool blog and you will find a lot about what is wrong with the public school system. We all seem to know something is broken. Yet, I believe wholeheartedly that the majority of parents and teachers, administrators and even politicians, start with the best intentions.

Recently, my local high school received national recognition for getting things very right.  President Obama honored them with a visit for their Academies program.  In a nutshell, local companies have partnered with the school to create special paths of expertise. One example of this is the Health Science and Law Academy. HCA is a major employer in the area and it makes perfect sense to train students for these types of jobs. Continue reading

Why Waltz?


waltz: n. 1.a dance in triple time performed by a couple who as a pair turn rhythmically around and around as they progress around the dance floor.

My homeschooling story began five years ago when my oldest daughter was in second grade and my son was in kindergarten. I was a stay at home mom with my youngest daughter still in diapers. We were as comfortably settled into the public school system as I could hope to expect. Up to this year our experiences were almost entirely positive. Up to this year, my daughter had been supported, praised, and encouraged to learn at her own rate. Any strange or upsetting incident was handled expertly. We had no reason to doubt our choice.

But second grade year changed everything.

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